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Welfare Society Regd. Dhuri
The Cambridge School, Dhuri, a premier AC and digital smart School, is a venture of The Cambridge, Educational and Welfare Society Regd. Dhuri The like minded, highly dedicated trustees have an enthusiastic Chairman, Mr. M.L. Garg who took up this venture to fulfill the dreams of their ancestors-a dream of a society filled with responsible and conscientious citizens, who would keep India aimed towards the zenith of progress, thus from its inception the school aims at grooming the next genera
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The Cambridge School, Dhuri
The Cambridge School, Dhuri, a premier AC and digital smart School, is a venture of The Cambridge, Educational and Welfare Society Regd. Dhuri The like minded, highly dedicated trustees have an enthusiastic Chairman, Mr. M.L. Garg who took up this venture to fulfill the dreams of their ancestors-a dream of a society filled with responsible and conscientious citizens, who would keep India aimed towards the zenith of progress, thus from its inception the school aims at grooming the next genera
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The Cambridge School, Dhuri
The Cambridge School, Dhuri
The Cambridge School, Dhuri, Is a venture of The Cambridge Educational Society (Regd.), Dhuri The like minded, highly dedicated trustees have an enthusiastic Chairman, Mr. M.L. Garg who took up this venture to fulfill the dreams of their ancestors-a dream of a society filled with responsible and conscientious citizens, who would keep India aimed towards the zenith of progress, thus from its inception the school aims at grooming the next generation into strong individual, in all walks of life. I
The Cambridge School, Dhuri, is a venture of The Cambridge Educational
The Cambridge School, Dhuri, is a venture of The Cambridge Educational Society (Regd.), Dhuri The like minded, highly dedicated trustees have an enthusiastic Chairman, Mr. M.L. Garg who took up this v
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